Ledger Live Wallet - Nano X | Ledger - Webflow

Ledger Live Software: The Hub of Control: During the setup process, you'll be prompted to download and install the Ledger Live software. This user-friendly application acts as the central hub for managing your Ledger hardware wallet and cryptocurrency holdings. 5. Setting Up Your Device: PIN and Recovery Phrase: As part of the setup process ...Make sure to purchase the Ledger hardware wallet device from the official website to ensure security and not fall into any scam or fraud. Once you’ll get the device, you can set it up using the actions given right away. First of all, open your Ledger device by pressing the button situated right next to the USB port.Connect your Ledger Wallet to yourlaptop or computer. 2. Open Ledger Live App and unlock yourLedger model with your registered PIN. 3. Now, make sure that you have the BitcoinApp listed under the “Apps Installed” tab for your BTC purchase. 4. Hit on the “Buy/Sell” tab, located atthe left side menu of your screen. 5.